We introduced a new flavor this week at Rasputitsa Gravel Spring Classic. It is the # 0 “Hemp Brownie with Hemp Seeds” and we love it!!!
Dear Real Energy Bar Customers,
We are so excited to offer our first Real Energy Bar special and celebrate how thankful we are to our customers. It is because of you that we have been making more and more bars in our first year in business! We are now selling our bars in multiple locations locally and even in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where we always celebrate - the cranberry! Our bars are available online and in retail locations at Ovens of France, Dottie’s Provisions, Halas Farm market, Dough & Co., Thrive Fitness, Maple Bank Farm and Corner Cycle, Cape Cod.
We are all about keeping things real and we have started supporting “Real Deal’ athletes who are giving everything to their sport. We know everyone has a many real adventures and now more than ever the adventures are interesting for everyone to see. Soon, we will be launching a campaign for our customers to get specials for their adventurous posts online. We want to see how far and how high our Real Energy Bars take you. And reward you for your efforts!
Black Friday specials include: Use these coupon codes at checkout.
GRABBAG ($10 including free shipping for four bars - use Sample box button at checkout)
BLACK 12 ($7 off our box of 12)
BLACKFRIDAY (free shipping)
Please note: These specials are good through Cyber Monday. After that, look for holiday specials…
That’s all for now, have a day filled with adventure!